
Emergency Response

Our emergency response capability would be called upon by Teignbridge Emergency Response Team or the police who should be contacted by residents in the first instance. However, you can make your own preparations for emergency situations.

If you do need to report an Emergency Situation during normal working hours, the Teignbridge number to phone is: 01626 361101

To report an emergency out of hours, please contact Home Safeguard on: 01395 516854

The Council has drawn up a response plan in the event of serious disruption to the lives of residents. Such events could be weather related, accidental or other unforeseeable circumstances where Council personnel or property could be called upon to assist in relief of distress.


The Environment Agency issues warnings of flooding from the River Teign only. However, see the latest recordings from the upstream river level monitoring station at Chudleigh Bridge. There is no flood warning service for the Ugbrooke Stream, the Rydon Stream through the town or for the Colley Brook at Sandygate.

Devon County Council provide information on flood risk management: Devon – Flood Risk Management

It is also possible to subscribe to weather warnings from the Met Office in Exeter